
Client: Otib

Development: &Ranj

Software: Adobe Flash

Role: Game design, Interaction design, Level design

Target audience: Age group 9-12

Released: 2008

Tech-Ed is an educational online game with the aim of introducing children to technology at a young age. In this fun and challenging 2D platform game, the kids take on the role of a hamster named Ed. Ed has an important mission: to free his kidnapped relatives. 

To do this, he must overcome the obstacles and solve the puzzles which he encounters and thus progress through the different levels. The interactive obstacles and challenges in the game consist of recognizable and everyday objects. By finding creative and skillful solutions for the obstacles that Ed encounters, the technical knowledge of the student is complemented, tested but above all stimulated.

How it works

The game guides the student through his own learning process in a playful way. The player learns how simple technical principles work. Tech Ed addresses the practical competencies of both boys and girls in a contemporary way. To solve the puzzles and eventually free the family members, the children apply electrical and installation technology within a funny and recognizable context.

At the same time, children are playfully explained about the techniques used and how they work, and they immediately apply this knowledge. For example, they learn how pulleys, dynamos and electromagnets work and drive these parts by letting Ed run in his wheel.

My role

My responsibility within this project was to develop the concept and functional design. Next to this I also developed the level designs for all the levels, built the levels in Flash and tested them thoroughly. Creating increasingly more difficult puzzles with more and different building blocks while the player progressed through each level and the game as a whole.

Level design

Tech Ed level design - level 1

Tech Ed level design - level 2

Tech Ed level design - level 3

First puzzle design - pulleys and gears

First puzzle design - central heating 01

First puzzle design - central heating 02

Matrix with building blocks

The one and only Tech-Ed rap!

In-game footage and explanation